Optimizing Light

Plant training methods have been around for hundreds of years. In the 17th century, the French developed a technique called “espalier” which was used both for decorative and fruit production purposes.

Espaliered Pear and Apple Trees (above)
” The most important advantage (of espalier) is that of being able to increase the growth of a branch by training it vertically. Later, one can decrease growth while increasing fruit production by training it horizontally.” 1
Scrogging builds on the espalier technique to grow short, bushy horizontal plants allowing for maximum bud development. The main stem of the plant is forced to multiply by Topping. Low Stress Training (LST) is accomplished by bending the branches of stems under the lower training screen resulting in more bud development per branch. Lollipopping all leaves of lower branches focuses the energy upward to bud development. A flat horizontal plane of buds, developing all in unison, can be placed in the optimal light intensity band at the same time. No buds are stunted due to upper growth shading and all plant energy is focused solely on bud development.
Scrogging builds on the espalier technique to grow short, bushy horizontal plants allowing for maximum bud development. The main stem of the plant is forced to multiply by Topping. Low Stress Training (LST) is accomplished by bending the branches of stems under the lower training screen resulting in more bud development per branch. Lollipopping all leaves of lower branches focuses the energy upward to bud development. A flat horizontal plane of buds, developing all in unison, can be placed in the optimal light intensity band at the same time. No buds are stunted due to upper growth shading and all plant energy is focused solely on bud development.

Most references to the ScrOG method espouse 2 to 3 times increase in bud yield.2

P SCROG Primary System
1. Wikipedia “espalier” 2. GrowWeedEasy.com

P SCROG support 7 days a week - 512-528-6028
- Gary Memelstein