Okanogan Sunflower Farm

Although Okanogan county of Washington state during the gold rush was known for its gold nuggets, Terry Taylor is betting his company will become well known for the Okanogan Sunflower Farm and Okanogan Gold cannabis.
The Okanogan Sunflower Farm is near where the nomadic Northern Okanogans or Sinkaietk tribal group would roam. Their language was Salishan. Descendants of these tribes now occupy the Colville Indian Reservation. Okanogan is Salishan for "rendezvous"...and rendezvous they did!

Left to right, Chief Moses, Chief Tonasket, Chief Sar-sarp-kin. (Courtesy Okanogan Historical Society)
On February 23, 1896, the north half of the Colville Indian Reservation was thrown open for mineral entry, and within weeks, hordes of gold seekers flooded in and staked hundreds of claims. It has been estimated that as many as 1,500 prospectors and other outsiders were waiting just across the Columbia River. The story goes that signal fires were built when official word of the opening was received; these fires touched off a gold rush, and the mining frenzy was on. The gold rush ended in bust leaving the region with record numbers of ghost towns.
Terry Taylor is owner and operator of the Okanogan Sunflower Farm. Terry likes to talk about his great grandfather who lived and worked the land with the indians during the gold rush in what is now Okanogan county. He probably even shared cannabis medicine with the indians before it was prohibited by law.
Like his great grandfather during the Gold Rush, Terry is in the midst of the "Green Rush" frenzy with his 28 acre Okanogan Sunflower Farm and "Okanogan Gold" cannabis brand of bud and extracts. "We can still pan for gold in the Okanogan River which is used for irrigation at the farm", says Terry. "We are located in north central Washington where the mountains meet the desert. This region and its micro climate are ideal for growing high grade cannabis plants."

Hear Terry explain his cannabis operation in the YouTube video shot at the Okanogan Sunflower Farm, why he feels all plants should be ScrOGged and his predictions for the future of the cannabis industry. The drone footage is incredible. Please watch!

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- Gary Memelstein